Troy Ezequiel Montes
Troy Ezequiel Montes, a native Texan from Dayton, discovered his artistic calling through photography. His captivating images reflect raw, unfiltered honesty, capturing the essence of his community's culture, history, and the overlooked individuals within it. As the Co-Owner and Director of Casa Luz, a public artist studio and community space, Montes is a dedicated leader in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) artistic community, extending his support through documentary and portrait photography, while preserving his family's rich histories and cultural roots. He collaborates with organizations like Black People Church, the Contemporary Art Museum Houston, and ART IS BOND. Approaching his work with humility, Montes understands his role within a larger collective, striving to empower marginalized voices through photography as the artistic landscape evolves.
Cielo Azul / Cielo Nublado
Todas Las Tardes, 2022
Cielo Azul, 2023
Callejeros, 2022
Cielo Azul / Cielo Nublado is a poignant memoir that intertwines the threads of Montes’ annual pilgrimages to his ancestral pueblito, El Porvenir, in Zacatecas, México. Working and living in a dichotomy between two homelands, Montes’ photographs weave a delicate tapestry that bridges the physical and spiritual chasm that separates him from his familial roots, offering a tender glimpse into the lives of loved ones he cherishes during the brief weeks they're reunited each year.
En La Madrugada, 2022
Hechas Con Amor, 2023
Pedicure Al Aire Libre, 2022
Montes' vivid chronicle of El Porvenir, poetically translating to "What Is To Come," constitutes a seminal chapter in his artistic odyssey. Cielo Azul / Cielo Nublado waters the artist’s roots, affirming that comprehending one's origins is the compass that guides us toward our destiny.
Como Se Siente El Hogar, 2023
Sigo El Camino, 2022